Please feel free to add a selfie - Hawkwind T-shirt optional!
What was your first gig? What's your favourite track? Do you have any personal stories about Hawkwind?
Please do say hi and let us know! Remember - any information you put here is viewable by all members

I'm Colin, 71 from Liverpool.
I have known of Hawkwind since the early 70's when they used to play in the Liverpool Stadium but I never got to see them there, to be honest at that time I knew of them but hadn't really listened to them.
Of course I knew Silver Machine but it wasn't until the late 90's when I started presenting a rock show on a local radio station that I really listened to them and since then I have been steadily working my way through their vast catalogue.
My fav album, up to now is Space Ritual and my fav song is Brainstorm.
I was in a band in the 80's who released 3 singles and recorded a never released album, in fact we are releasing a compilation CD early next year, figured if we don't do it now we never will.
Sadly I have never seen them live and I guess I never will but you never know :)
Just (re)discovered the whole Hawkwind scene that was my staple listening at college half a billion lightyears ago and lost in the seas on the edge of time. First HW new album (at the time) was Quark, Strangeness & Charm; first gig was on the Levitation tour (3 of them), and then anything in London for the next 5-6 years. Then real life intruded on my musical timestream and I lost that essential contact with the band and its unique place in the rock pantheon. Only just picking up the lost strands, albeit I still have every album up to Distant Horizons. Fave album remains Warriors On The Edge of Time (yes, I'm still lost in that timewarp) and best memory is getting to interview the band for Brian Tawn's Hawkfan fanzine (yes, that long ago) in the depths of Wales during the Levitation tour. Hope to rekindle a few of those memories in due course, as there remains absolutely nothing like Hawkwind in time nor space, or any known dimension. Space is truly deep....
Greetings Mothership Hawkwind.
I been meandering yer decks for over half a century now.
Old forum, new forum, it's all the same to me.
Keep the fuel topped up in your reactor Dave and sail on Hawkwind!
Voilodian Ghagnasdiak
Hello. Steve here. I've just migrated over from 'the old place'. I've been posting on the old forum for years (since bt - before Tapatalk!) Still finding my way around this new place and learning how everything works.
To those who don't already know me, I'm a (now mostly ex-) musician from London, long-time Hawkwind fan (Quark, Strangeness and Charm was my introduction back in '77)
Roderick, Teh Netherlands. First gig was Amsterdam, 1984. De Melkweg.. There was this sound in my ears that styed there for moore gthan two days. Perhaps a sign of a sonic attack? :)